Violent Crimes Offenses and Defense Attorney in Washington

Being charged with a violent crime can cause a great deal of emotional hardship in your life. You may be experiencing a variety of emotions such as fear, anxiety, and uncertainty regarding future embarrassment and many other emotions if you have been arrested and charged with this crime,so you need to have a Violent crime defense attorney in Washington. The Law Office of Erin Bradley McAleer can provide you with the criminal defense representation that you need in order to fight for a favorable outcome in a violent crime charge. This firm can defend you in any of the following situations:

Kidnapping / False Imprisonment

There are several possible elements that must be present in order for a situation to be considered kidnapping. International abduction with the intent to hold a person for ransom, to facilitate a felony, to inflict injury or emotional duress, or to interfere with a governmental function is considered kidnapping.

Murder / Manslaughter

Being charged with murder can cause severe difficulties in your life. The elements that must be present in order for a situation to be classified as murder are as follows: the intentional killing of another with malice aforethought. There are also other circumstances such as the commission of a felony where death occurred that can be considered murder.

Vehicular Homicide / Vehicular Assault

Vehicular Homicide is a very serious issue that can occur when driving under the influence of alcohol. If you are operating while intoxicated and you cause an accident that results in the death of another, then you will be charged with Vehicular Homicide.


If you are charged with the crime of arson, then you could face extremely severe charges and penalties for conviction. Arson is the crime of intentionally setting fire to a building, or other area that causes significant damage and/or endangers the life of another.

Drive – BY Shooting

A Drive – By Shooting is a serious offense that is often charged as a Class 2 Felony and can carry penalties of up to 21 years in prison for a conviction. It is vitally important that you have skilled representation on your side if you have been arrested and charged with this crime.


The crime of inflicting fear of imminent bodily injury on another is known as the crime of assault and can result in severe criminal penalties for conviction. It is important that you have a strong defense of your case if you have been charged with this crime.

Sexual Assault

An allegation of rape is one of the most serious matters in the American Criminal justice system. Many such offenses are brought against men with no criminal history. Individuals rely on zealous attorneys who bring the truth to light in front of a jury of their peers.

Criminal Harassment

Criminal Harassment can include various actions such as stalking, excessive contact at unreasonable hours, and many other actions. You could suffer serious penalties if you are arrested and charged with this crime.

Defending the Residents with Criminal Defense Attorney in Washington

This firm understands the severity of the situation that you are facing, and you can rest assured that you will receive the personal attention that you need in this case. With considerable experience in defending the residents of Southwest Washington State, attorney Erin Bradley McAleer can provide you with a defense of your case fueled by experience and determination. Seek the representation of this firm in your case today!

FREE CONSULTATION With Skilled Violent Crime Defense Attorney in Washington:

The Law Office of Erin Bradley McAleer will fight to ensure that you achieve the best possible outcome in your court case. Call attorney Erin Bradley McAleer today at (360) 334-6277 to schedule a free, confidential consultation.

Washington Attorney Erin Bradley McAleer represents clients throughout Southwest Washington State, including in Clark County, Cowlitz County, and Skamania County and Vancouver, Battle Ground, Camas, La Center, Ridgefield, Washougal, Woodland, Yacolt, Castle Rock, Kalama, Kelso, Longview, North Bonneville, and Stevenson. Attorney Erin Bradley McAleer focuses on the areas of Criminal Defense, Traffic Infractions, Landlord Tenant, Personal Injury, Firearm Rights Restoration, and Post-Conviction Relief (Vacating & Sealing Criminal Records).